From the standpoint of medicine and obesity - a disease that occurs when positive energy and fat balance. Simply put, when the consumption of fat calories and energy generally exceeds their costs over time, the accumulation of body fat.
Sleep disorders, diseases such as sore throat and flu, can also disrupt the balance of fat in the body. But such violations usually brief. Much more complicated situation where excess weight comes from causes psychological problems. There may be two manifestations of disorder: a person or "jammed" negative emotions, or has reduced sensitivity of the center of saturation in the brain, and he unconsciously begins to consume a greater volume of food.
Current problem for many women - obesity after birth. During pregnancy and lactation metabolism mother rearranged to the "energy storage". And that's fine. Abnormally when and after feeding the child type of metabolism - accumulation. Then there is the bearing of adipose tissue and, consequently, obesity.
Age - another factor that provokes the appearance of excess weight. Typically, after 30 years there is a reorganization of a number of specialized centers of the brain, including the appetite center. That is to suppress hunger person needs more food. In addition, age-related obesity provokes metabolism adult. It is no secret that the young body all metabolic processes are much faster.
In such endocrine disorders as Cushing's disease, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, insuloma in 98% of cases appears overweight. In this case obesity - is only part of a more serious condition. While obesity is called secondary. The emergence of obesity provokes disruption of the endocrine glands: thyroid or pituitary gland.
Genotype may also cause the appearance of obesity. Studies show that genetically caused 40% of constitutional features, including the rate of energy exchange. However, obesity - a disease of multifactorial, and the person's lifestyle plays a role in this matter.
Low physical activity provokes the development of obesity, even in cases when the number of calories consumed is not excessive. Even if this energy is consumed and converted into fat.
Consumption of energy for human consumption is carried out in three directions:
Basal metabolism - the energy is spent on maintaining the functioning of organs and cells. Even at rest on these processes the body spends almost 70% of the energy it needs.
Energy expended on digestion of food consumed. In addition, immediately after eating the nervous system reaches a state of tone, and in this too, need extra energy. All of these energy costs are about 10% of the amount of calories needed to man.
Energy, which provides physical activity - about 20% of the total energy consumption, depending on the intensity of stress.
Energy expended in maintaining the functioning of organs and cells, ie basal metabolism, in obese people is higher than the lean. This is due to the fact that obesity increases the weight of not only fat but also fabrics that do not contain fat cells. Moreover, large people spend more energy than lean, to perform similar work in connection with the need to move the body with greater mass.
Indicator of basal metabolism may vary. For example, during a low calorie diet reduces its body by 15-30%. This is a normal adaptive reaction in response to the lack of incoming calories. That is why there is a phenomenon of constant body weight. So you are a diet, began to consume much less food, and hand weights remained at the same place. Just your body to reduce the cost of primary energy metabolism. That is why many diets are ineffective if they are abruptly thrown or start.
Hormonal changes. Growth hormone produced by the body to 30 years, reduces the ability of adipose tissue to store fat. Respectively, after 30 years at previous levels of food intake and previous physical activity is a risk of excess weight.
High calorie food, and often at the expense of animal fats and carbohydrates. Overeating - the main cause of obesity. Continual overeating leads to the fact that the disruptive appetite center in the brain and the person ceases to control the process of saturation. Excess energy is not used by the body and deposited in reserve.
The low sensitivity of cells to insulin, which converts fats into carbohydrates. In response to a continuous supply of fat in the body produce more insulin and, correspondingly, - an excess of carbohydrates. In 90% of obesity appears not due to consumption of fat, as well as time due to excess income of carbohydrates.
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