Cottage cheese with persimmon
Observing low-calorie food, it is easy to run out of protein. In plant foods (except soy) protein is small, too much flesh is not eaten, remains cheese - very high in protein and extremely unattractive to me the product. Could not tolerate him until he made himself a dessert, which is now just love it! Few calories and lots of fun: Take any cheese, 100 grams (I prefer low fat, but what about its use a lot of controversy, so choose the fat content, guided by their ideas), add one finely chopped persimmon, half-teaspoon ground cinnamon, stir and enjoy ! Tastier obtained granular curd cheese, but not with those who like pasta. But it all depends on your taste.
Fish with a slight garnish
Previously I believed that the fish must-have with rice or mashed potatoes. And then in a book read that the best side dish in this case - spicy greens! I tried with arugula - a little sbryznula its balsamic vinegar and filed along with lake trout, grilled. Awesome happened! I did not expect that the taste is so wonderful.
The next day I cooked a trout in a double boiler, arugula on hand was not, and I just boiled steamed cauliflower. And a side dish I liked him even more - got a very delicate combination. I tried broccoli - and also very tasty. Lake trout - enough oily fish, and although this fat is very useful, yet it is not necessary to increase calorie lunch or dinner up to heaven, eating fish with potatoes or rice. Try new combinations, change recipes and traditions - and you will get new useful and tasty dishes.
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